Britney Spears has been back on the radar lately with a lot of those 'more of the same' stories. Apparently she's had some kind of freak out while visiting Disneyland with her boys Sean Preston and Jayden James, plus her boyfriend manager Jason Trawick. There was a fuss. Brit locked her self in her hotel room with the scissors and chopped off her hair again - clogging the toilet int he process. The boys never got their private audience with Mickey Mouse. The whole unhappy incident did keep tongues wagging briefly, until Lindsay Lohan got fitted with her nifty new ankle bracelet anyway.
Far more disturbing than Brit's off stage antics are her on stage antics. There have been a lot of rumours about Brit lip sinking her way through her concerts. It's no secret that she's off her game. Many of her dance routines look like she might have been performing them while either drunk, or pilled out of her gourd. So it's kind of an open secret that Brit performs with an accompanying sound track to fill in, either when she forgets the words, or when her voice is a little rough.
That left open the question "How rough is her voice?" Since this is the information age, when there is an open question some one is gonna use available technology to get an answer. So during one of her recent concerts some one managed to tap into her microphone feed. This allowed them to record Spears actual singing voice ungilded by audio back ups. The resulting tape was pretty bad. By pretty bad I mean that Spears' voice sounded like Whitney Houston was being beaten with a bag of cats! You might think that's a colourful exaggeration of the kind bloggers use to over state a point. Fortunately the tape is available and after listening you'll probably realize that it would be hard to overstate how bad Spears was. Just have a listen:
I wanna welcome you to a world where anything can possibly happen(and unfortunately usually does!)
Was that horrendous. She's must've set every dog with in ear shot wailing and howling in response! You've got to break out the thesaurus and run down the synonyms of terrible just to get the right descriptive terms for her cacophony of caterwauling. At least there's a bright side to it - though she's no Crystal Bowersox, Britney does continue to make a very good living out of her very bad singing. Brit's just damned lucky that she wasn't performing in front of Simon Cowell, and within point blank range of his infamous acid tongue!