Litany of evil - is Jesse James Hitler's Cheeseburger?
Jesse James saved Hitler's brain, then transplanted it into Mahatma Gandhi!
Worse still JJC claims that Jesse had some odd interests as a teen, and well beyond the usual heavy metal music. For instance he used to enjoy torturing small helpless animals. In one incident he injected live rats with raw alcohol: either to kill them or merely to get them drunk. It's hard to know exactly what's going on in the head of a teen aged boy. The rats did wind up just as dead though. BTW Janina compares Jesse's boyish cruelty to the medical experiments of Dr Josef Mengele! Glad that she's avoiding overstatement & exaggeration during her media attack.
Jesse James implicated in 911 WTC attack!
Now a lot of this Jesse bashing seems to be going way over the top. James is being portrayed as the world's most evil man: some one who uses stuffed Smurf dolls for target practice, deliberately treads on pretty flowers, voted for George W Bush (probably), and tells new mothers that their babies are ugly. The stories are getting so wild that it's beginning to look like Team Sandra's PR Machine is not only in full spin mode, but turned all the way up to puree. This leaves us asking ourselves how much of this bullshit is actually true, or when Jess is gonna be exposed as a serial murderer?
Whenever Jesse James took Sandra Bullock out for dinner he always ordered baby seal!
It could also leave us asking why this stuff is suddenly coming out now when we didn't hear a peep about it before, & how Sandra didn't know? More to the point how she went on not knowing for about 5 years. Sling enough shit and some is bound to stick to you, too.
Conjectures of a guilty bystander: Innocent victim or merely ignorant?
One thing's for sure - now that Jess is the Most Evil man in America it's safe for OJ Simpson to show his face in public again. That is when he's released from prison. This should take the pressure off of the more controversial members of the Bush Administration too.