Well the unofficial story is that Bullock is so filled with joy after the adoption of her new baby that she wants to give her husband another chance. The usual unnamed sources say that Sandra is impressed with the way Jesse is seeking help for his sex addiction, and moved by his remorse. He must've been very remorseful since he humiliated Bullock in the worst way imaginable, by cheating on her with tattooed neo Nazi strippers! The news broke at the worst time, within a week of Sandra winning her best actress Oscar. Sandra's acceptance speech praised James for making her more real and a better actress. In other words he made a total fool of her.
The unofficial story, and this is unsubstantiated rumour of the kind that makes the rounds of Internet blogs such as this one, is that James has got dirt on her. The dirt is a sex tape featuring Bullock and something called the Dirty Sanchez. The Dirty Sanchez is a variation of Scat Play - a sex fetish involving human feces. In the case of the Dirty Sanchez a brown 'mustache' is left across the upper lip of one of the participants. So the story goes that James, getting dirty with Bullock, has threatened to release the tape unless she comes to her senses and takes him back. If the tape comes out then all of Sandra's public sympathy could dry up faster than you can say "Tom Cruise on Oprah's Couch!" Of course if she takes back the most evil man in America, then she's gonna lose a lot of that sympathy anyway!
Maybe Sandra is just more forgiving than Tiger Wood's estranged wife Elin Nordgren. Elin is already planning her post Woods life. She's making some long term plans, like enrolling in a psych course at a Florida university. Considering the nature of her course - "human abnormal behavior", she might be planning on taking her wayward spoouse back too!