Saturday, June 26, 2010


The Legion of Super Heroes

G20 protesters freak out and run amok in down town TorontoPoliticians are the superheroes of the celebrity world. Right now in Toronto an international band of high powered do gooders have descended on the city to share their insights on putting the world right and defeating the forces evil. The usual suspects have arrived: Saturn Girl, Bouncing Boy, Lard Lad, Radioactive Man, Hiro, Dr. Cyclops von Freeze, and Captain America - aka POTUS! Every Good Guy in the western hemisphere is here, with the exception of Dr. Drew Pinsky. He's too busy planting drugs and guns in Lindsay Lohan's car; which is an idea he got while watching Kathy Bates break James Caan's ankles in Misery - "Now that's a lady who knows how to get things done damn it!"

A funny thing happened on the way to the good guy convention!

While the Just Us League convenes in Ontario's scenic cottage country, the kind of hell high security measure can provoke has been unleashed. As police settle in to their newly acquired super powers, behind the 6 million dollar chain link force field, protesters - or no goodniks if you prefer - have gathered to raise hell. Armed with pepper spray and stale slogans, the protesters have descended in down town TO, at the heart of what's been called The Red Zone - the area that has been shut off by police. As expected things are starting to get rowdy.

security complex!

Their concerns seem to be the new police state powers that the Ontario legislature sneaked through last night, giving authorities carte blanche arrest powers over anyone with in 5 metres, or about 20 feet, of the fenced off security zone. If you find yourself in that unfortunate area and are accosted by a copper, then you'd better do everything he says with a smile and an enthusiastically compliant attitude - the kind of gung ho"Yes sir!" basic training likes to beat into boot campers - or you could find yourself off to another high security area: the poky!

cartoonish super villainy & superdickery

Not that protesters are deterred. As said they've turned out en masse to confound the coppers and get their 15 minutes of dubious glory. I'm not exactly sure what else they hope to accomplish. Political activism went sideways in the 60's. Nowadays it's not about working together to creat a more peaceful world. It's about playing cat and mouse games with authority, and making yourself look clever by making cops look dumb ("I'll be Itchy and you be Scratchy" - not much of a challenge). Ideals have been replaced by tactics. If the medium is the message that makes activism mere superdickery.

cartoonish violence - more fun than a barrel of monkeys

So the protesters are having a field day. It's as if the circus has come to town, but a circus tailor made for idle, mischievous middle class youths who can't occupy their minds with video games or the Internet. Meanwhile the Superfriends are dining on pate de fois gras somewhere far behind the security screen; and perhaps unaware of the brouhaha building outside. The good news is that this farce should end quickly enough some time next week, and hopefully before superheroes, or protesters, can do any real harm.

BTW fans of 640 AM's Gary The Spaceman Bell & his The View From Space; you can get your fix of conspiracy right here by using the player below. If you've got about 100 hours or so to fill you can listen to the whole thing; for an advanced degree in tin foil hattery. Such a degree will qualify you for admittance into any psych ward in North America. IN fact you only have to show up in the emergence ward talking this shit and you'll be in a padded cell in under 1 hour! Free room & board is more than most advanced degrees can boast nowadays!

Find more music like this on space
