Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jersey Shore Goes Twilight, Twilight Goes Mormon!

jersey shore cast spoofs twilight on jimmy kimmel
"Hey buddy - ya can bite me!" - when vampires love garlic?

What's going on with the cast of Jersey Shore? Well rumors is that they're rotten with herpes. One former crewman said that Valtrex is being passed out to the sociable realty TV stars like candies. The Jerseys are also winning us over with some amusing put on - they parodied the already tiresome Twilight series in a comedy sketch for Jimmy Kimmel!

Spaced Out Odyssey

I already like it better than the original. Speaking of Twilight, Robert Patterson is assuring fans of the vampire love story that it is not based on Mormonism, nor does it contain any secret Mormon "hidden messages". The author of the books is herself a Mormon, and hard core conspiracy theorists claim that Mormonism is a form of Freemasonry. They point to the series of secret handshakes and passwords high initiation Mormons believe will get them into heaven where they can become gods themselves, and have ecstatic space sex forever! Actually it sounds more like some kind of Scientology offshoot, but not like The Process Church - Sci's most infamous offshoot.

a message to the madness?

The alarm bells where set off by the most recent Twilight's plot turn in which Bella decides to keep her baby after getting knocked up out of wedlock. Media watchers suspected that this was some kind of pro choice Mormon message. RPatz says 'no worries' - cause it has nothing to do with radical right wing cultic pseudo Christianity. RPatz goes on to explain that the whole Twilight sage came to authoress Stephanie Meyer in a dream. Whether it was dictated in the dream by archangel Moroni or not he left unsaid.

Speaking of the occult here's a short video on The Process Church.

Love Sex Fear Death: Inside The Process Church of the Final Judgment with Timothy Wyllie from DANGEROUS MINDS on Vimeo.
