The Orange Brigade finally got themselves really noticed. Seems a pair of the young Netherlands supporters got themselves arrested for parading around the stands in their gaudy skimpy glad rags. Not because they revealed anything, but because it was revealed that they were part of an unauthorized advertising campaign.
Now since the advertising in the World Cup is more valuable than Superbowl time, and even more tightly sown up, the powers that be didn't take kindly to these surprise tactics. So the young ladies got arrested, hauled off, booked, and arraigned. The young women don't seem to take their predicament very seriously. They were seen and photographed smirking throughout their arraignment. They even stated , for the press, that they can't believe that they're in trouble for this, and that they should be allowed to wear anything that they like. FIFA doesn't see it that way, and has accused the young women, and the instigators behind them, of "ambush marketing". Maybe they meant 'bush marketing'. Anyway the whole thing is still up before the courts. That means even more attention to the Orange Gals, and their mysterious backers! One thing, it's good that these young ladies weren't part of a Canadian marketing scheme since we don't need stories about the Beaver Patrol!
FIFA might be going over board by punishing initiative in this way. The most you can say about it is that it's a crude, below the belt marketing ploy that succeeded in spite of it's self. The success is largely because FIFA has drawn more attention to the stunt by prosecuting the women. Further more it sets up a 'defiance against authority' angle of the kind that PETA used to love: youthful women suppressed by a greedy cartel of international fuddy duddies. FIFA might have been better off letting this slide. The whole thing might have been worked out if a competitor sprays down the young lovelies with rival colours - maybe pink! That would have the added advantage of sopping wet young women squealing and wiggling around in your official standard!
Let it slide that is, unless these young women are involved in some kind of reality TV pilot. Given the new disturbing new rumours about around the world 16 year old Abby Sunderland - her broke ass father was pimping out a reality TV show while she was setting off seaward and unsupervised (give him a break, he's broke & unemployable with 7 kids to support. If it worked out they're rich - & the worst case scenario is one less mouth to feed) - reality TV might be a real possibility! In that case these little tramps should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, and beyond if possible. They'd be getting off easy - if what we've seen of reality TV is any indication participants might have a better chance with a case of terminal cancer.