Tila Tequila has been doing some excellent work lately on the connection between Hollywood and the Illuminati. She's been getting her share of shit over this. Yet there is an undeniable link between the entertainment industry and the occult. Tipper Gore, now once again back in the public eye by way of what is shaping up to be a messy, embarrassing divorce from Captain Planet Al Gore, pointed this out back in the 1980's.
Back then she hauled several second tier rock performers - like Twisted Sister's Dee Snyder - up before congressional committees to ask them just what the hell they thought they were doing. The standard response was that music and movies don't affect anyone. That must be why advertising agencies spend billions annually on splashy promotional campaigns, celebrity endorsements, and movie product placements. Anyway the whole thing sort of blew over. Tipper went back to giving her rival Washington power wife Lynda Wonder Woman Carter a hard time over her hubby Robert Altman's - not the MASH producer but Clark Clifford's law partner - involvement in the BCCI scandal. Dee went back to releasing albums with pentagrams on the cover.
Still careful observers can't help but notice the frequent references to the occult in popular movies and TV series. In fact back in the 1990's Shaun Cassidy produced a little offering called American Gothic. It starred Gary Cole, whose previous TV work consisted of Night Hawk - the show about the talk radio host who solves crime in his spare time. That show was way ahead of it's time. it also starred Lucas Black as his reluctant protege. Now Fast & Furious fans will remember Black as The Drift King from F&F 3, or F&F4 -I always get those two mixed up! Gary Cole went on to bigger things too. He became the voice of Kim Possible's father in the popular Disney cartoon - I hear that Disney is currently planning a Kim Possible live action movie featuring Miley Cyrus! That is surely an idea who's time has come.
American Gothic was almost 100% occult . The show - a sort of supernatural soap opera - revolved around the lives of the inhabitants of North Carolina town Trinty. It especially revolved around the character of Sheriff Lucas Buck - as portrayed by Cole. Buck can best be described as a sort of demon or morlock. He trades on his mysterious ability to manipulate situations and events in order to keep the townsfolk in his thrall.
Sheriff Buck's mysterious powers are only explained in one episode, called The Buck Stops Here. The explanation is 100 proof Freemason New Age Illuminati. In one scene Buck whips out a one dollar green back American dollar bill, stating that anything writen on money has got to be important. He then points out the masonic temple and all seeing eye featured one the money. He then goes on to explain the meaning of the mysterious Latin motto inscribed on the currency - "Novo Ordo Seclorum" - "An New Order", or "An Old Order of the Ages Born Anew". Later, Buck's partner in crime, hot to trot elementary school teacher Selena explains that the source of Buck's sorcery is his 'third eye', or the pineal gland. If you don't believe me then just take a look at the following short video clip from the series and see for yourself:
So there you have it as seen with your own eyes and heard by your own ears. That was back before Hollywood really got warmed up on the New Age occult kick. So is Tila Tequila full of crap? No more than any other conspiracy theorist. IN fact she might be on to something - perhaps inspite of herself. So before you jump to any conclusions why not keep your eyes, ears, and especially your minds open. Careful observation of popular media might lead you to think that there's more to Tequila's postings than you might have at first thought!
Of course there is a cure to all this Hollywood bullshit. Many of us are opting for it too. Just be sure that you know exactly what stuff you're taking or you could wind up like the poor man in this short video!
You'll never know how many celebrity haldon overdoses have wound up getting blamed as facelifts - Mickey Rourke was a particularly tragic case. So don't let this happen to you!