Honky Tonk Woman
What's new with Amy Winehouse? Her career as a singer is in indefinite stall. Her career as a celebrity train wreck and public spectacle is till going strong. Amy is still out and about hitting the clubs. She's as drunk and messed up as ever. For instance Amy was out and on a tear recently when she decided to take things up a level. So what did she do? Well you heard the song "I kissed a girl"? She did!
something about Amy Winehouse is kind of gay when you think about it
Life's no bowl of cherries --- it's a black and white strip cartoon!
The photo comes courtesy of DListed. DL was so courtesous that they don't even know that I've got it! By way of fair play here's the link to that post where they've got plenty more disgusting pix of Amy in action! I wanr you, it's not pretty (DListed's 'caption this' postings are so disturbing this week that I'm not even gonna post the links!).
I'd say Winehouse is starting to look like Bill Wyman, but Billo never looked that rough. Let's just say that the black and white strip cartoon of her life was drawn by Chester Gould.
Lest we be too hard on Amy lets remember that even super heroines can have the occasional off day!
Of course in Amy's case it's not so much an odd off day as waiting for a ticking bomb to go off!