Sunny side up from where the sun don't shine
Mischa Barton has had her troubles - like getting DUI'd, and that unhappy 'wisdom tooth' experience. Her last series The Beautiful Life didn't work out. She played a drugged out supermodel at the tail end of her career. Even though people love reading those kind of stories about her in the tabs they didn't want to watch her in those kind of stories on TV. Fame doesn't always allow a person to cash in on their own mistakes.
For all the Mischa watchers and well wishers out there you should be happy to know that the actress is looking happy and healthy lately. She's put on a few pounds. She even cracked a smile recently. It was a highly humorous situation. Miss Mischa was getting out of her car in Hollywood when a gust of wind caught her with an unplanned upskirt. The result was a Marylin moment caught by some of the paparazzi that hound Ms Barton. Let us have a look see at that.
Wow - her new color is the same as Britney Spears' old hair extension! Mischa took the whole thing like a sport. A moment or so later she was grinning away over it.
It's nice to have a story about a young female celebrity that doesn't involve Twitter (Jessica Alba may soon put that out of business. She's determined to use Twitter to prove she's 'not a tard' - as Megan Fox might have said, so every time PBS announces schedule change Alba get's online to bitch about missing Masterpiece Theater. That girl's rejecting her IQ transplant - Like Charlie in Flowers for Algernon - but it was worth a shot!). It's also a good reminded of why you should put on clean underwear before you leave the house - just in case you find yourself cornered by a throng of shutterbugs!
For those who still make distinctions between pop culture and hard news CBS 60 Minutes has scored Conan O Brien's 1st post Tonight Show interview. They want CoB's take on NBC's New Coke moment.
The shift from nationwide television to a 3 month appearance ban must have been rough. Once the mind has gotten into the fame game it's hard to get it back out again. Even seemingly normal people like Kate & Jon Gosselin can go all diva once they get accustomed to have cameras around. So how that dreadful adjustment takes place only those who've gone through it may know, but we assume that it happens something like this:
Transmundane: Oprah-fying the ordinary
That video was mega good, in fact I would go so far as to say it was Opratastic! Crissitunity can bring out the transmundane in everyone!