National Treasure & Greatest America Hero - Nic Cage Power Man
For instance he called his son Kal El. That's Superman's kryptonian name from the DC Comics. No word on whether or not Nic has had the lad tested for kryptonite allergies, but don't be surprised if he's tried. Hopefully Nic won't be too disappointed when the kid doesn't develop super powers.
moon rocks from a larger lunacy
Nic has also managed to rack up a hefty debt. So much so that he's had to sell off one of his mansions. Most folk can't imagine how you can make that much money and still land in the hole, unless you're into really stupid stuff like buying moon rocks and meteors from the Russian mafia. Don't believe the spiel about moon rocks having collectible value. That's just something that the Russian mafia says to con the suckers. They're not even really moon rocks - just mundane volcanic lava!
Great Caesar's ghost! Did Cage go off his meds?
Now Nic has out Caged himself. In fact he's rushed in where Michael Jackson might have feared to tread. Though mired down in mounting debts Cage has blown a wad on his final resting place. It's a 9 foot tall pyramid in a New Orleans' cemetery.
It's good to hear that he's finally thinking of his future and doing some planning ahead. That's very proactive of him. Unfortunately that kind of silliness might not help him too much in the here and now. As to why he picked out such a monstrosity, well he is the guy who brought us National Treasure. So it's probably some kind of Freemason thing.
Bad news is that the pyramid won't transmit his post life Thetan to Beta Epsilon or Sirius, or where ever the crazies think they go after they die, unless it's been properly aligned with the stars. That's how the Pharaohs did it (the precession of equinoxes was a blow to many ancient belief systems that hadn't taken the Earth's polar drift into account). If he realizes his mistake in time he can go back to work on his inter galactic transporter beam. Perhaps he can even have himself cryogenically frozen to be revived in a future advanced enough to appreciate all that creativity.
Of course there may be a rational explanation for this (although there probably isn't). Maybe Nicky has a Joanna Cameron fetish. BTW just imagine the rubbish Cage must have picked up off of EBay that no one knows about.

Gallo talks smack - cutting words against the family trees behind Hollywood's corp pyramids
PS If there's one Follywood actor even farther out there than Nic Cage, besides Gary Busey,then it's Vincent Gallo. Gallo has some colorful things to say about Cage uncle. He refers to FFC as Sofia Coppola's "fat pig father". That's not the only hi powered director Gallo dislikes. He calls Martin Scorsese a "has been ego maniac who hasn't made a good film in 25 years". He then goes on to say that he wouldn't work for Scorsese even if he was offered $10 million to do so. I hope that Gallo ain't waiting by the phone for a call from Marty, 'cause I don't think that it's coming. Most startlingly Gallo accuses Julia Roberts of pulling an Angelina Jolie and doing it with her brother Eric Roberts. That's why they don't talk anymore. It's hard to stay friends with some one you've fucked, especially if they're your sibling!
These little pearls of wisdom were dropped during an extensive interview Gallo recently gave - and by extensive I mean exhaustive. You can check out the full deal by hitting the following links:
listen to part 1
and here's part 2

Now here's a case of a man who lost his shit figuratively and almost literally!
Man vomits on cop's daughter video