It's reassuring to know that no matter how advanced their technology may be, the aliens can't shoot worth a damn. The human race has got one thing they haven't; bloody mindedness. It build this planet. But seriously, I've seen a lot of faked UFO footage and I gotta say that one's pretty damned good. In the off chance that it's the real thing - take me with you! One to beam up!
Witht he shear number of video phones out there I have to think that if there were any flying saucers about they'd have turned up before now. In the event that the government is playing games with us, through lies and secrecy, here's some food for thought!
UFO - Identified
Deleted User | MySpace Video
Remember, the public can never know the truth. That's what 'security' means. If ignorance is bliss then I'll take it!
2 & 1/2 Truths?
Wondertrash is the one blog that never ever shields people from the truth, even if a lot of half truths get posted in the process. For instance regular Wondertrash readers will not have been surprised when Mischa Barton went off the rails. Though Lindsay Lohan was the AA Poster Child, Mischa had been quietly cultivating her alcoholism in secret for years. While other bloggers were chattering on about Lindsay and Paris Hilton, Wondertrash was posting references to Mischa's frequent DIPs leading up to her 5150.
Do aging and debt add up to 5150 for Pamela Anderson?