The candidate with everything - & one too many women!
Reille Hunter is finally breaking her silence about former Democratic Presidential hopeful John Edwards - the man with Al Gore's charisma and Bill Clinton's libido - and about her part in his downfall. Now Edwards was the guy how trotted out his terminal ill wife during the primaries to get the sympathy vote. All the while he was carrying on a torrid affair with his sleazy side piece. John might have something to learn about the finer points of sympathy.
another kind of bombshell
Now Reille insists that she can't be blamed for pouncing onto John Boy while his wife languished. Hunter claims that the marriage was over before she got involved. Of course that's what they all say. Even Denise Richards. RH also takes exception to the phrase home wrecker as applied to her. She adamantly denies that's she's a home wrecker. I guess that makes her a sort of nuetron bomb for the married man. After she goes off the marriage may be over, but the home is still standing, & probably up for grabs in divorce court. I bet lawyers really like that gal.
Lifting her face & stretching the truth? Keep your chin up!
A DUI and a love child later John's name is mud and his political aspirations are over. Life for Reille is only beginning. She's chatted with Oprah, she's done a few magazine interviews, and if the following video is to be believed she may or may not have had plastic surgery. The world is really opening up for her!
warning: bullshit below
In other news Tiger Woods has announced that he's adopting a baby. Tiger says that his decision to adopt has nothing to do with his failing marriage, or the scandal that has sabotaged his career. In fact Tiger was so determined to bring a new little cub into the fold that he kept the adoption a closely guarded secret. Now that wasn't easy especially with his participation in the Masters. However the resulting but unintended media distraction value of the child should make the adoption more than worth the trouble!
There's no official word on where the child was adopted from, but Tiger's PR reps assure us that it is from somewhere both political correct and sympathetic. Perhaps it's a New Orlean's child that was originally from Haiti by way of a long and dangerous journey through Tibet. Now if Elin Nordgren can only find herself a nice lesbian partner (Melissa Etheridge just became available!) then the whole situation could be salvaged, from a media image stand point.
everyone loves a prequel
Speaking of running out of original ideas they have a saying in Follywood "It's better to have a good idea than anew idea". With that in mind the following trailer is submitted for your approval!
That project was intended for Ku Klux Kramer - but his racist outbursts have made it impossible for him to ever work again - except for private Mel Gibson parties. The best part is that it was done without the participation of the actors, by merely splicing old scenes together and posting it to youtube. This idea might just catch on - after

me. myself, & I - 3's Company!
No idea why Meggers got the bag over her head in that picture. Should could be justifiably ashamed of herself. Perhaps she was hyper ventilating. Then again she could be working her way towards the dreaded pink wig (some one should offer an annual Award called The Wiggies for the celebrity flip out of the year, and present the winner with a pink wig). While she was probably just bracing herself for more Angelina Jolie (or "Angina Jolie" as Brad Pitt calls his significant other - together with his ex they become Brangifer or even Brangiston!) comparisons; it comes to the pink wig sooner or later in that racket.