Hollywood Hooligans
an appalling application
A 23 year old former model of some sort named Kayden Nguyen has made allegations of sexual harassment, illegal trafficking of females for sex, failure to prevent sexual harassment, retaliation, wrongful termination and false representation about employment in a new law suit. Nguyen - who shares the same last name as Tila Tequila, applied for a personal assistant position with Mr Seagal. Stevo soon began plunging his hands down her blouse and up her skirt. When she complained Karate Kid replied that his wife wouldn't mind if he had an affair. That wasn't welcome news - allegedly - since now Kayden in suing him. She's also making allegations about a couple of Russia girls who are on hand to service Mr Seagal 24/7!
Carrey-ed away again?
Jim Carrey has waded into dangerous waters since he and Jenny McCarthy parted ways. First he tweeted in Tiger Woods defense. Now he didn't come right out and call Elin Nordgren a gold digger tramp who stayed around for the money. He left that to be inferred - sneaky fellow. Now he's gone on the defensive. The not so funny man recently tweeted that he has been asked to tone down the tweets. He then went on to claim that he'd been sexually assaulted by Ben Roethlisberger. Said Carrey:
My people called and said I might have to tame my tweets a little. So here goes...I'm going to make a sandwich now. peanut butter.(sigh) ;^\
Well, I ate my inoffensive sandwich with an acceptable glass of milk and took the dogs out, while avoiding any controversial thought--->
...then I was sexually assaulted by Ben Roethlisberger! I can't be certain but it sure looked like him! Good thing I'm a Steelers fan! ;^B
Conan O Brien goes back to doing what he does best - not tweeting
Carrey has had some issues with depression in the past, for which he was taking medication. Might be time to refill his Prozac prescription. Carrey on Twitter reminds me of the George Bernard Shaw quote on T E Lawrence (Of a Arabia) "He can be no more trusted with a pen than a child could with a live torpedo!" Good luck with avoiding those controversial thoughts Jimbo! If not maybe you could whip up a few tweets for Conan O Brien (who is getting a new show in November). Conan has had some trouble generating interest via the Twitter medium. He should have followed the cancellation of his show with addiction, sex assault and rehab. Everyone would be talking about him now if he did.
A sex crazed Swift
Finally word is that Taylor Swift is getting more usage than a merry go round. Since leaping onto the public stage shortly before Kanye West jumped up to interrupt her, Swift has been swiftly going through a number of boyfriends. In fact she's she recently been linked to Cory Monteith, but is rumored to be 2 timing him with with exes Taylor Lautner and John Mayer! Mayer is the guy who used to date Jennifer Aniston and likes to pee on women. Seems that Taylor's mom Andrea gave Mayer the heave ho but Swift is continuing to see him behind mom's back, with Glee's Monteith as a cover! "Taylor's out of control!" a source told the National Enquirer.
Plus there's some breaking news in the Suvivor murder case.