Before Jaffer there was Couillard
feral cabinet minister
Ms. Couillard is a hot mamma who runs a business and who used to hang with tough French Canadian bikers. What makes her notable rather than merely distinctive is that her boyfriend at the time was former Conservative Federal cabinet minister Maxime Bernier. Couillarfd is more than a pretty face. She's got great tits too. Bernier was fond of dressing her up in revealing dresses, and flaunting her at get togethers while treating her like some dumb boob for brains bimbo. He also liked staying over at her place whenever possible.
Weekend at Bernier's
For Your Eyes Only
After doing whatever he did with Couillard, he rushed back to the office. He was in such a rush that he left top secret papers behind in the biker chick's flat. Now Bernier discovered his mistake and called Couillard about it. This proved to be a mistake since the Mounties were bugging Couillard's phone. She did have biker connections after all.
Though we hate to lose you you've really got to go
So Bernier's little indiscretion got onto tape. Prime Minister Steven Harper was informer, but dragged his heels on the matter. Bernier was a popular Quebec cabinet minister, and Prime Ministers need Quebec to win elections. So Harper was reluctant to take the dilemma by the horns. Events would make that decision for Mr Harper. Somehow and no one is sure how the press got wind of the tapes. They made the expected stink over a juicy story. Pictures of Ms Couillard busting out of a halter top type blouse made the rounds, Harper hummed and hawed, while some said Couillard herself engineered thinks to pay Bernier back for treating her like some cheap floozy side piece of a joke. Naturally Bernier had to go, eventually.
'Ugh! Generalise.'
There have been some major scandals since then. Most recently Helena Guergis and her felonious Rafaello Follieri type husband Rahim Nizar Jaffer. Guergis was also a cabinet minister in Harper's govt. Her hubs was a former MP who lost his position after a driving charge involving cocaine. Since he was connected that got reduced to a misdemeanor with the coke charged getting thrown out. It's not what you know it's who you know, you know? However it cost him his job and put his wife under extra pressure.
'Low-paid, sunny fall.'
While Helena slowly and painful stewed Rahim continued to live it up. He partied with shifty businessmen from whom he tried to elicit money for influence. He plied them with more coke while in the company of sleazy strippers. All the while he promised them that through his wife he had access to the PMO, and all it's influence, like no one else. To emphasize this he e mailed prospective clients from his wife official blackberry. The stress got to Guergis, who even had a hissy fit while passing through PEI. When briefly detained at the PEI airport she flipped out, and referred to the province as a God forsaken hell hole! She would soon lose her seat following that.
'O Dear Me! Mad fussiness.'
As if to remind the media that the Harper govt has had these sort of scandals before Couillard has once again resurfaced. This time one of her dresses, made infamous during the scandal by being featured in photos, has gone on the auction block. It has not only brought back painful memories for Harper & Bernier, but it raised $1000 too! Just take a look see at the following video on that! With an election around the corner it couldn't have happened at a worse time.
It's good she can see the humor in the whole affair. Maybe that think could go on display with Monica Lewinsky's Clinton spattered blue number? Let it be a lesson to politicos everywhere - never leaves your documents, or your DNA, lying around, and make sure your assets are covered! Or you can kiss your assets good by, or au reviour as Mme. Couillard might say.