For the love of Lindsay: Creepy rehab doctor continues to stalk young actress

Michael Lohan gets an idea
He probably assumed that once the police got through the door they'd find enough evidence around the house to haul Lindsay's ass off to jail. He was saving them the trouble of a search warrant. Of course this is part of his master plan to gain conservatorship over the unemployed actress, and hence financial control. That Michael Lohan is always thinking big! It's what got him where he is today.
Pinsky gets all stanky
Now if all that wasn't enough to drive a girl right round the bend, poor Lindsay has Dr Drew Pinsky meddling in her affairs. Dr Drew made some comments about Lindsay back when he was getting his Celebrity Rehab underway on VH1. Since Dr Drew both is a doctor, and plays one on TV, he felt doubly entitled to tell Lindsay what her problem is. Lindsay pointed out, via her medium of choice - Twitter, that real doctors diagnose their patients in offices after an examination, not on TV in front of an audience. Though she had him there it didn't shut him up.
Marcus Welby he ain't - be glad he's not your doctor
Dr Drew smelled blood in the water and cared enough about the young actress's welfare to try and cash in on her misfortunes. It might have been hoped that he'd eventually move on to something else - like the rash of premature deaths in pro wrestling. Wrastling Rehab would have to be a goldmine concept for a man like Dr Drew. However he's remained fixated on Ms. Lohan like a pit bull with lock jaw, and has basically hounded her through the media.
"Why doesn't Lindsay Like Me?"
Well now Dr Drew is ready to make nice. He's not ready to apologize to Ms Lohan for perhaps contributing to her condition (his periodic media harassment of the girl couldn't have helped). That would be a bit much to expect from him. However he is saying that he does want to end the 'feud' with her. He's 'reaching out'. He also wants Lindsay to get some proper treatment. After having watched a few episodes of CR, I shudder to think what Dr Drew's idea of proper treatment might be. Perhaps locking the poor girl up for a group intensive with Jeff Conaway and Tom Sizemore. It might not do Lindsay any good, nor Tom & Jeff either; but just think of those ratings!
Video: "I didn't say nothing about no frame up!"
Dr Strangelove crosses the line again
"I don't condone frame ups, officially - wink, wink" kinda helps you figure out how so many athletes get performance enhancing drugs unofficially. Caring about someone works as an excuse for framing them up? As long as you don't get caught I guess, or you might have a a whole other can of worms to deal with. BTW what's with the "poor Michael Lohan" thing? Is Dr Drew trying to flush whatever is left of his credibility - and that's not much - down the crapper faster than you can say "Dr Phil visits Britney Spears"? Dr Drew reality TV is truly your medium and that's no compliment.
Feelings, nothing more than feelings
Follywood is full to bursting with high profile fuck ups like Tiger Woods, Mel Gibson, Jesse James, etc. So why would a middle aged Dr become so fixated on an attractive and desperate 23 year old? It's as if he's fallen love with the young woman, and wants to get his clutches on her or something. Now that couldn't be because Dr Drew is just too much of a professional for that - it's why he has the show on the TV! Just in case here's a little torch song dedication for the dirty old pervert and his creepy unrequited love of Lindsay!
Feely Dan
Remember, Dr Drew, to keep your paws of Miley Cyrus or her dad Billy Ray will bust you up good. That is unless you can help her career in some unlikely way - then come on over for a beer and watch her dance around her stripper pole!
Pop culture can teach us many things, other than to beware of TV shrinks. For instance in the following short video clip from What's My Line, classic funny man Jerry Lewis demonstrates that many questions can not be adequately answered with 'yes' or 'no'. So let's take a look and see what wisdom can be gleaned from Jerry's none responsiveness.
The man was truly a laughter magnet. Straight questions become screw ball pitches almost as if it was planned that way! Of course, as Marshall McLuhan has pointed out the 50's were a visual age. So once the blindfolds went on the panel immediately went deaf. Then again even Dr. Drew Pinsky would be hard pressed to get sense out of a joker of that caliber!