Brandon Davis is more than just
Big fat loud mouth
So Brandon's mouth has gotten him some negative attention in the past. Now that mouth of his has Twitter to work with. Just imagine the possibilities. Well in this case you don't have to imagine cause Brandon has taken to tweeting on the subject of an ex. She's a girl who's had her own over publicized up's and down's, she's Mischa Barton.
Now Misch is far from fat. Maybe Brandon is referring to that 'wisdom tooth' picture that got so much coverage (especially right here). To refresh memories Mischa was seen out looking no heavier than usual, but with her face badly swollen. She claimed that she had a botched wisdom tooth removal. Everybody said "Yeah sure", over and over and over again and again. Several weeks later she went 5150 and people forgot about her face and wanted to know what was happening in her head. Meanwhile Mischa's figure remained fairly constant through out her hi profile meltdown & recovery. Mischa's head went back to worrying about people noticing her face. It really was a learning experience.
Brandon's wrong about the fat, but at least his boobs are bigger than Barton's!
Now what makes this whole thing kind of odd is that Brandon is kinda heavy himself (I won't say fat). More than that the kid is sweaty, and that sweat is pretty low viscosity (Hence his Greasy Bear moniker). When he perspires it's like he's shedding lard. So how does he figure he can cheap shot some one else? Well he a 'sort of' celeb: he doesn't have to be justified, only noticed and talked about. With that in mind here's a little picture of the Greasy Bear for you to notice and talk about. A wide screen will be helpful.
Carrey On Twitter
Brandon will get through this. It's not that people eventually forgive him, they just quickly forget him. Besides worse things have been said by better people. Like $20 million a movie funny man Jim Carrey. Carrey recently tweeted in Tiger Woods' defense. Hot on the heels of his own break up Carrey posted something to the effect that Elin Nordgren must've known the score and went along for the perks. Now Jim was just saying what everyone else is thinking - so everyone got mad at him. If people wanted other people to know what they were thinking than they'd say it themselves, and maybe even get a blog. Jim should've known better.
confessions of a Nazi love slave
In fact there are still some people willing to give him the benefit of the doubt about that. They assume that Carrey must've been making an oblique reference to his own relationship with former Singled Out host and Autism research pioneer Jenny McCarthy. Those unwilling to speculate are assuming that Carrey is just an ass sometimes. At least he didn't weigh in on the even more highly charged Sandra Bullock - Jesse James fiasco. No one is gonna tolerate him implying that Sandra is a closet Nazi or anything - well not right now but who knows what else sex tape there is waiting to come out sex tape. There has to be a good reason sex tape she hasn't filed papers yet, I mean besides her sex tape desire to raise his kids.
Slippery Sloppy Slopes
Back to Greasy Bear - his little blurts pale in comparison to a genuine celebrity outrage. Granted the lad won't win any beauty contests, but at least he's not Jon Gosselin! Why there may even be an eligible former lovely out there just waiting for a guy like him. She's got no standards, she's drowning in debt, she'll do anything for money, and is even sweatier than he is. That would be Pamela Anderson.
pix courtesy of TMZ

Pam fell into the debt hole after having extensive renovations done on her LA pad. She thought that platinum was a daring choice for pool tile, and so had it put it. She also paid for $100 grand in artificial snow to Canadian up one of her LA pool parties. That combined with a lot of mismanagement and a rumored ferocious drug habit and Pam found herself owing about a million dollars that she wasn't in a position to pay.
Stacked and half assed
Pam started by cutting back. She moved into a trailer park while her house was getting finished. Then she started dating her electrical contractor. She dumped him shortly after the renovations were completed so I assume Pam didn't feel like paying in cash. After that she latched onto designer Richie Rich to make a half assed attempt to hype her half assed clothing line. BTW Pam also has a half assed fragrance, and even made a personal appearance at an Illinois Sears mall to promote it (Sears - how half assed is that)! Pam also exposed herself pretty often throughout.
dizzy dancer is a handful
That brings us to Dancing With The Stars - were celebrity careers go to die. Pam is up against the like s of Kate Gosselin and Erin Andrews. Pam looks like she might be the next to go. That probably explains why she can't get enough dancing these days. Pam was recently spotted dancing up a storm at Guys & Dolls. She also did some heavy flirting with her partner. The general consensus amongst spectators was that Pam was out of it. When she emerged from the club Anderson was too impaired to stand up. She was helped out by club security, who had to maneuver the buxom blonde and her immense assets out the front door. Now that took some deft handling! Pam was disheveled, sweaty and covered in various stains when she faced the paparazzi on the side walk. Here's some video of that, and I warn you it's disturbing!
So hopefully if Brandon has learned anything from this whole despicable Twitter incident (and that's doubtful because celebs never learn - that's one of their problems) it's that everyone has their flaws and their off days. So taking a cheap shot at a person's physical appearance or their misfortune is just tacky, especially when your own character issues are a huge target. If you want to be tacky then get yourself a blog!
BTW if you want to keep current with the latest celebrity gossip, & get the details then Eat.Sleep.Celebrity is one of the best sources on the net.