"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"
"Don't worry cunt cause me and my sock puppet are gonna fix you good!"
I assume that's an implied murder threat, unless Mel plans to put her to work on the grounds of his vast estate. He did warn her that she's had her last ride on the gravy train. So maybe he intends to find some useful purpose for her, like composting, landscaping, whatever. It will give her some skill she can use to support herself after young Lucia has past 18 and gone on to rehab or the nuthouse. That is unless young Lucia sues for emancipation first! One thing we can be sure if is that he didn't mean that he was taking her to the White House Rose garden, 'cause I think that his White House invitations are permanently on hold. Were Barack Obama a spiteful man then Mel might find his name on those terrorist no fly lists.
"But when Andrew Dice Clay says this stuff people think it's cute?"
These tapes just seem to be getting worse and worse. Just when you think that you've heard it all, then some other tape surfaces with Gibson threatening to blow up a bus of nuns & orphans or massacre horse of new born puppies. "You know those baby seals? They're dead cunt and it's your fault!" It's as if Oksana was starting with the bad stuff and then working up progressively through the worse stuff to the really bad stuff. It's as if she were presenting this stuff for maximum dramatic impact. That leaves us, & probably Mel, asking "How much more shit has she got? How bad does it get?" and "What's she working up to?" This is gonna be one long rough night is you happen to be Mel Gibson!