Monday, July 12, 2010

All Mel Breaks Loose

The Mel Gibson story is growing geometrically, if not exponentially (just finished watching Big Bang Theory - probably a bad influence!). The professional pundits are weighing in on the "Mel Gibson Crisis Drama" - which means that Mel is not longer the story; the Fall Of Mel Gibson is. Just take a look at the following video clip & see what I mean:

The interesting point made in the above video is that custody is an issue. Mel had wanted joint custody. Should Oksana Grigorieva get primary custody then she gets an increased claim on Mel's finances: money to raise the child and support herself to the tune of what the court feels Mel can afford to pay. How's that for facing the music?

Since her son by former boyfriend James Bond Timothy Dalton is rapidly approaching maturity another meal ticket might come in handy. Not that I'm saying she put those awful words in Gibson's mouth; no matter how hard she might have pushed his buttons after she started the tape rolling. Mel is an adult and even celebrities have to take responsibility for their words & attitudes. So look for this to get a lot meaner!
