Today's Top Stories
Is the Catholic Church's Argument Against IVF a Bit Holey?
When biologist Robert Edwards, who perfected in vitro fertilization (IVF) more than 30 years ago, was awarded the Nobel Prize on Oct. 4, public reaction was swift and divided.
Alain Ducasse's Weapon Against Poverty: Cooking Classes
For his latest project, the world-renowned French chef is giving 15 women from Paris' poverty-stricken suburbs the chance to learn to cook like professionals — and maybe even work in one of his restaurants
Foreigners and Locals in the Crosshairs of Yemen's al-Qaedas
Yemeni militants tended to attack foreigners and avoid locals, but foreign jihadists have pushed to target Yemen's U.S.-backed authorities
Who's Linked In? 7% of Babies Boast their Own Email Address
Today's world is about being connected. Apparently some parents believe that can't start too soon: new research shows that 7% of babies and toddlers have their very own email address.
No More Nukes?
The New START treaty coming before the Senate reduces U.S. and Russian arsenals. But in light of current and potential threats, how many warheads does a superpower need?
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It seems that President Obama's car-in-a-ditch metaphor is more clever than it is effective. Check out these results from recent message-testing by Democracy Corps, the polling firm of James Carville and Stan Greenberg: For some, going back to four years ago does not look so uninviting right now: “I was doing a heckavah lot better [...]
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Top 5 Viral Videos of the Week
Creative, silly and always addictive, these videos caught the Internet's eye this week
Quotes of the Day
Nobel Committee chairman, on the decision to award the Nobel Prize for Peace to Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident currently serving 11 years in prison for incitement to subvert state power
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Can Britain's Conservatives Escape Thatcher's Legacy?
The Tories have worked hard to convince voters of their compassion but welfare cuts, announced at their annual conference, bring echoes of the party's bracing past
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