Today's Top Stories
An Ex-U.S. Soldier Visits Iraq's Old Battlefields
Continuing his tour of Iraq, a former American soldier visits the area around Ramadi to see how a kind of normal life is taking hold after years of violence
California Teachers: Paying for School Supplies Themselves — and More
All over the budget-strapped state, public-school teachers are putting up their own money, raising funds or finding unorthodox ways of making their classrooms work
How Vargas Llosa's Journey Mirrored Latin America's Evolution
The youthful leftist writer who became a right-winger and then a pragmatist exemplifies Latin America's political evolution
In Colorado, Freshman Democrat Betsy Markey Tries to Hang On
Israel: A Belly-Dance Video and the Specter of Delegitimization
Some say bad apples are seized upon to question Israel's existence; others say it's the occupation that is rotting the apples
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It seems that President Obama's car-in-a-ditch metaphor is more clever than it is effective. Check out these results from recent message-testing by Democracy Corps, the polling firm of James Carville and Stan Greenberg: For some, going back to four years ago does not look so uninviting right now: “I was doing a heckavah lot better [...]
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Top 5 Viral Videos of the Week
Creative, silly and always addictive, these videos caught the Internet's eye this week
Quotes of the Day
on not missing the limelight of his former job
Postcard from...
Can Britain's Conservatives Escape Thatcher's Legacy?
The Tories have worked hard to convince voters of their compassion but welfare cuts, announced at their annual conference, bring echoes of the party's bracing past
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