repeat offender
A little Michael Lohan goes a long way
That brings us back to the question of Lindsay's problem. Her father Michael, as usual, has an opinion. He claims that if he'd been in her life after her release from jail/rehab, none of this ever would have happened. That raises another good question; 'where the hell was he?' not only post release, but in the half dozen or so years previous. The short answer to that is in and out of jail on various charges from fraud to assault. On second thought less of Michael Lohan might be better than more.
go to your room!
There's also the opinion that since the courts have been notoriously easy on Lindsay, she's got no motivation to straighten out. These DUI related charges have been getting recycled through the legal system for years now - ever since Lindsay first started going off the rails circa 2007. Back then she smashed up several luxury sedans and pricey cars - 3 in a matter of months - before finally getting nailed. That got dismissed pending her completion of some court ordered self help work. Lindsay either did the minimum required, or skipped completely, so that she was required to appear before court again and again, for more stern talking to's. No matter how many times she was told to go and think about what she'd done, she never got around to changing her ways.
a bad case of celebrity personality disorder?
Finally there's the expert opinion, from celebrity observer Will Lee. In discussion with ABC News he hits on something that wondertrash regulars will have known all along. Let's call it the obvious. According to Mr. Lee, Lindsay problem is that she's an actress, and they're a fucked up breed. Worse for Lohan she's been an actress since childhood (which is better at least than being born one like poor Drew Barrymore). That's a serious condition, similar to Cameron Douglas style pre adolescent drug addiction. In other words she became conditioned to a life of play acting and make believe.
blame Hollywood
Added to the general lose of touch with reality is the Follywood milieu which not only supports but encourages a high degree of immaturity. As Mr Lee calls it " A perpetual summer camp without adult supervision". Follywood denizens are encouraged to live the dreams and take it to the limit, as far as their hearts desire. So the town ain't in the business of telling people "no". Here's Mr Lee to describe the situation in his own words:
next role - Jerri Blank!
Mr. Lee seems to be a very articulate and insightful gentleman (he must be a wondertrash reader!). He covers the essential points too: errant father, enabling mother, lax legal system, Follywood lifestyle. So the simple answer is that there's no simple answer to Ms Lohan's woes. Or at least no one answer. It is safe to say that we will be hearing more from her, at least on Twitter if not in a professional capacity!
Starbucks once again safe for the beautiful people!
Speaking of outrages against justice, remember that chick who got doused with acid outside a Vancouver Washington Starbucks? To refresh your memory she was the one who said that a black woman did it. That incident provoked an outpouring of sympathy, and no shortage of racists comments on youtube. It turns out that the whole thing was a hoax. No the woman's face really was damaged with acid, however there was no black woman involved. It turns out that she did it to herself! What could have been her motivation? Here now are some of the usual professional commentators to speculate on the motive to her madness.
"A black person did it!" White folks always fall for that line. BTW regarding the many spelling, grammatical, and syntactical errors on this blog - black computer hackers. A whole gang of them! It's a pack of Steve Urkels abusing their computer skills to mess up my blog and undermine my credibility!