Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mel Gibson's slut under criminal investigation!

Meloxie blues

THINGS HAVE TAKEN A BAD TURN FOR Mel Gibson ever since he got arrested for drunk driving, made some anti Semitic, anti freemasonry, conspiracy type comments, left his wife of almost 30 years, hooked up with a plastic Russian whore, then made a lot of threatening comments about her on tape recorded telephone calls that some how got posted to gossip sites like TMZ and Radaronline. That's the nature of life; it has it's ups and downs. The good news for Mel, & his many fans is that he's gone from a down turn to an upswing. Ironically that's due to those many many tapes Oksana Grigorieva made.

Seems that Ms. Grigorieva and Mel had some kind of understanding. It went something like "I won't release these tapes and ruin your image, and consequently your career; if you pay me an awful lot of money." At least that's what Oxie said in some e mails she sent Mel's way. Since that's a felony - blackmail - & since Oxie was silly enough to spell that out, the authorities are taking a closer look at the whole sad sorry mess.

Now Gibson claimed this all along. He said that Grigorieva demanded $10 mill to keep the tapes under wraps. Naturally no one believed him because he was a rabid racist psycho. However since the incriminating e mails have surfaced, the The Los Angeles County District Attorney is taking a closer look at the extortion angle. In fact according to ROL, they're considering whether they have enough to charge Oxie! According to an unnamed source in law enforcement - by way of the National Enquirer: "These are the text messages that Mel's camp turned over the Sheriff's detectives as potential evidence of the extortion claim."

So how much trouble is Oxie in? See for yourself by linking to Radaronline, where they've posted exerts of the e mails. That's kind of ironic 'cause Oxie made pretty good use of ROL while she was trying to nail the lid on Mel's coffin shut. Now they're busy helping Oxie on her way to a jail cell. One thing about professional gossips is that we're equal opportunity nuisances operating without discrimination. Oxie might have figured that out when the paparazzi she set loose on Mel started following her around and asking her embarrassing question like "Did Mel threaten to kill you today?" and "Did you blow Mel?". So suffice it to say that the publicity game is a double edged sword. If you play with fire, you might get burnt!

BTW & speaking of the publicity game, step one of Mel's rehabilitation seems to be a guest starring role on hit TV series Mad Men. Mad Men maker Matt Weiner is a big fan of Gibson's and is in talks with Mel's people regarding a series of appearances for the controversial actor. In fact he may even have an ongoing or reoccurring role in the series. Now appearing on MM would be a shrewd move for Gibson. It might even be a better format to reintroduce him to the public than the usual vehicle Dancing For Redemption, I mean Dancing With the Stars! Though don't underestimate DWTS. If they can make Heather Mills and Bristol Palin likeable, the show is still a force to be reckoned with!

BTW remember to keep checking wondertrash. It may not be the most reliable gossip source, but it is consistent!

PS: A little more back story on Mel & Oxie - when the tapes were released some of them featured Mel making disparaging remarks about Oxie's mothering skills by way of her son, Alexander, by Timothy Dalton. Mel referred to the lad as a mess. Tabloids were quick to push Mad Max vs 007 stories. Dalton did come out of the wood work, but when asked about Mel responded "Absolutely no comment".

In fact he seemed much more concerned with getting the boy away from Oxie than in taking on Gibson. Oxie balked cause she said it would make her look like a bad mother in any upcoming custody hearings with Gibson. Since this was said to Dalton that leaves only a limited number of ways that the statement could've gotten out. After dealing with Slutsana for over 14 years I guess 007 figured that he couldn't take her on directly. That would make Oxie a more dangerous whorebag than any of the sexy Russian spies James Bond had to deal with in the whole campy movie series. That is with the possible exception of the woman who had the extendable knife blade in her shoe.
