Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Burning Man & the Hot It Girl

"International Burn A Quran Day"

Nothing causes more trouble than religion and politics, especially when either of these hot topics get into the hands of professional lunatics. The Koran is on everyone's minds these days. That's partly because we're running up to the anniversary of 911. It's also partly because some kooks have decided to make an issue out of it, instead of letting the whole thing drop into the past.

We are definitely trying to send the message

The kook in question this time is a fundamentalist pastor, Terry Jones, who plans to exercise his freedom of expression by burning at least 100 copies of Koran. Jones is the head of a group down in Gainesville Florida called Dove World Outreach. Every year on the anniversary of 911 Dove Outreach holds a memorial. The occasions makes them hawkish too. The usually commemorate the event with some kind of anti Islamic activity. This year they've planned to commemorate the date with a mass Koran burning.

you're not gonna find back bone in stock at mamby pamby land among the Bibles!

The idea is that Jesus Christ is the one true Lord & Savior; but much more importantly, that Islam is of the devil! Now that's not an exaggeration of their views. the put street signs up saying those very words back in June. It's also the title of the pastor's book. Hope he worked Jesus in their some where. You know how easy it is to get carried away in the fun of heathen bashing. You can get worked up into an apocalyptic frenzy, to the point where Jesus gets lost in the shuffle. Maybe if He'd said something more compelling than "Love thy neighbor", He'd have better held his follower's attention. The "America loves a winner" speech from Patton might have fitted neatly into the Sermon on the Mount!

you have the right to free speech, as long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it

Since the pastor has been shooting off his constitutionally protected mouth in public about the minions of darkness, his been getting much more attention than a garden variety Bible thumper is used to. He's already bagged about 100 death threats. that's one for each Koran. That kind of reaction would discourage a sane man. However it seemed to only encourage the pastor.

ours is a peaceful mission - arm the phasers!

So Pastor Jones is planning to go ahead with his book burning as planned. After all it's for a very noble cause. Jones wants to reach out to his poor misguided Muslim breathern. In his own words he says "The goal of these and other protests are to give Muslims an opportunity to convert. We are definitely trying to send the message that Jesus Christ is the only way." At least he's not trying to win them over with sweet talk. If the medium is the message the pastor's approach comes off as inflammatory!

a funny thing happened on the way to the riot

Besides there might come some good of this. The Pastor is right about it being his constitutionally enshrined right to make an ass of himself by stirring the shot everyone else was waiting to blow over. There's nothing wrong with a good old fashioned book burning for that matter. It brought communities together, the way hangings used to back in the days of public executions. Why it's the sort of community spirited mayhem anyone might enjoy. I could even see myself dropping by to toss a few heavy metal albums on the bonfire. That is I would if everything hadn't gone iTunes and MP3. There goes progress spoiling the fun again!

Jolier than thou

Besides, America's commitment to freedom of speech allows for counter balances to people like Pastor Jones. Naturally one of the celebrity set has taken up the cause, and taken it upon themselves to defend America's oppressed Muslim community (has anyone told them that President Barack Obama is one of them? Glenn Beck says it all the time, and if it's on FOX News, then it must be true!). That some one would be none other that Miss Better Than You International - Angelina Jolie.

still cool enough to be different?

Jolie recently gave a press conference, complete with hijab, condemning the Pastor's incendiary intentions. The statement was about as well articulated as usual for Ms Jolie "That's so mean and disrespectful". Not that I'm criticizing Ms Jolie's message. It just that most of us new it already and didn't need Jolie to tell us. Unless she can bring anything fresh and original to the table, we'll have to assume that she's attention seeking again (with Jennifer Aniston's career sinking after her Switch failure and 'retard' remark - it's never been a better time for Jolie to finally get the upper hand!).

this is what happens to Americans who won't eat meat!

Anyway you can make up your own minds about this whole sorry affair by watching Ms. Jolie Voight Pitt's statement right here, in the video below.

botox tears

Another message for the international community. No wonder the Economist is desperate to keep her as an occasional contributor. Besides, the poor woman needs something to lift her spirits. Salt lackluster box office performance was bound to be esteem deflating. She got alot of comments about how rough she looked too. Jolie looked so bad that she had to get immediate cosmetic touch ups after filming was completed.

So making public statements is sure to be a well needed ego booster. She may not be the most beautiful woman in the world anymore, but she's still one of the most obnoxiously self righteous. BTW here's a little pic of Ms. Jolie snapped just after Salt clued up, but before she went into the plastic surgery clinic.

The ravages of long term vegetarianism are all over her face. "Looking rough" is a harsh phrase. We've seen her looking worse. Still that hasn't stopped her from getting out there and attracting some attention. Nor should anyone allow themselves to be suppressed! Now go out there an express your inner wondertrash!
