Is that my husband, Baby?
Is Gwyneth Paltrow getting carried away with her recent role as a country music queen? The role has given her a notable acting job outside the Ironman franchise. It has also gotten her beyond the world of GOOP and intro performing her own onscreen vocals. It also got her playing Tim McGraw's wife onscreen!
Now the bag grab was probably just good fun on the part of a random fan that Tim will never see again. So you have to forgive Faith for over reacting. Those country music diva's can be high strung. Besides, we live and learn (as Alanis Morissette reminds us). Faith has calmed down alot since the events of 2 or 3 years ago too. In fact she's racked up an impressive maturity level in a short time since she isn't bothered by Tim's close working proximity to Ms. Country Strong.
Not that Faith would have any cause to worry. Gwynnie's got a man. He's Coldplay frontman Chris Martin. Although the two haven't seen much of each other in some time. That's technically not true. In fact the couple haven't been seen together in public for some time. It was so bad five years back that Paltrow felt the need to explain in a statement that got picked up by the National Enquirer. When asked point blank why she and her man were never seen together in the same place at the same time she said that it was for the children. The pair are frequent flyer jet setters and this way if anything happen to one of them in transit, the kids would still have another celebrity parent to fall back.
It's a sensible precaution who's only real flaw is that in the event of something happening the kids will be raised either a rock star or a movie star. Now it might be hoped that the two cancel out, as when picking the kids' religion in a mixed marriage - and the kids' might have a real shot of ending up halfway normal instead of winding up in rehab! It was also a relief to those fearing Gwynnie would come up with some kind of Victor/Victoria type explanation! Anyway it's safe to say that the Paltrow Martin marriage is strained under the pressure of Chris not being Brad Pitt.
That leaves Gwynnie as an attention seeking actress at loose ends and with a history of doing musicians. That would drive most women nuts. Which is what makes Faith's conspicuous maturity so impressive. I say that Hill's maturity is conspicous because Paltrow and McGraw have been kind of conspicuous. That's to be expected since they have their flick coming out, and being conspicuous goes with that territory. McGraw and Paltrow have been at a whole slew of events and promotionals for the movie. How can you possibly not be conspicuous in a situation like that? It would be so futile that Paltrow and McGraw have even given up the attempt.
Maybe that's why the cozy co stars got caught nuzzling up. That happened when Gwyn got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It was a great opportunity to promote the film. So inconspicuous was out of the question anyway. That being the case GP & TMcG seemed to say to them selves "What the hey" and went for it - puckering up and kissing each other full on the lips! Some eyewitnesses even say that "They hugged and kissed right on the mouth and were very touchy feely. At one point they were kneeling down in front of Paltrow's star and Tim grabbed her around the waist!"
Now that might sound like a scene from some cornball romance novel, but it had to be an emotional moment in the life of a celebrity and McGraw might've been over come with emotion. Maybe Paltrow was overcome - excitement and an eating disorder can be a hard combo - and Tim was steadying her. Then again maybe they were rehearsing for a play. Besides there's more!
Eyewitnesses go on to report that "They also had their arms around each other while posing for pictures. It's obvious that they care deeply for one another." Now while the facts may bear that interpretation, this also supports the 'overcome with emotion' theory. Gwynnie was clearly in a swoon again and Tim had to hold her up. Paltrow merely held on for support! If some of the recipes she posted in GOOP are any indication the poor gal must be near faint from hunger most of the time, and need as much holding up and support as she can get!
You must know right off that these kind of stories are the sort of rumors carried by supermarket tabloids, internet blogs, and other unreliable sources! If there was anything to it Faith would've gone bonkers, cause this happened right in front of her (Hill was attending the event). You know what a diva she can be when she doesn't know she's on camera and let's the down to earth country gal act slip. However Hill was as cool as a cucumber when the lippy lippy went down.
The general consensus of eyewitness - that is those of the attendees who were looking at Faith at the back of the room instead of front at Paltrow and McGraw - describe her as "not looking happy". In fact one says that She looked "kind of glum when Tim kissed Gwyneth on the lips." Glumness is an understandable reaction since the same bystander says that "The kiss didn't last long - but it sure looked like more than a friends. It wasn't what you call a little friendly peck on the cheek."
So you can tell right there that there's nothing to it. If there was that kind of provocation would've sent Hill into a frenzy the tape of which might have crashed Youtube! As it was she just looked sour and unpleasant, which might be Hill's emotional set point. Just like a screen saver on a dormant computer! So you can get any ideas of some kind of John Mayer Jennifer Aniston style musician hooks up with movie star thing out of your heads right now. At least I won't believe it until I hear the environmental reports warning of recent volcanic eruptions from Mount Faith!