Monday, September 27, 2010

Thrills, spills, chills, & pills!

Kirstie Alley is a big star but not as big as she used to be. Perhaps motivated by dire National Enquirer predictions that she had 4 years to live, the former Fat Actress recently unveiled her new and improved figure - minus 50 pounds!

So that ought'a show the NE! The best part is that she did it without plastic surgery & make up!

sometimes when we touch - if anyone wants me I'll be taking some time alone to work on my sex tape

Speaking of something to prove, here's the latest Twitter pic from Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher! The couple have made full use of Twitter ever since they realized you don't need a career or an image to be a celebrity - only a medium. That's very McLuhanesque! Now they're referencing John & Yoko in their latest posting, done straight from bed!

Now wasn't that something. If they think that should put the cheating rumours to rest then some one ought'a told 'em that trying too hard ain't very convincing!

doin' it wrong on the right side of town

Meanwhile prescription pills are once again wrecking havoc in the celebrity community. This time the victim is Last Comic Standing judge Greg Giraldo. Now he's not dead, but he is in critical condition after over dosing on pills this weekend. He was found unresponsive in his hotel room following a wild party! Here's the low down on that.

take 2 of these and call me in the morning, if you're still around

So while Hollywood has made Lindsay Lohan the substance abuse poster girl the ones no one suspected are still dropping like flies. They're not cashing out on Lohan's party favours either, but stuff immediately available from the usual disreputable Dr. Murray Conrad type physicians! Considering the shit La Lohan has gotten over her high living life style many more cautious celebs are opting for legal alternatives. That way when the do gooders and interventionists start sniffing around they can smile sweetly and tell them to take it up with the doctor in question. "At least he has a degree - what do you have besides memberships in numerous 12 step programs?" That usually shuts 'em up, reluctantly.

pix courtesy of celebnewswire

my homeopath told me to give up red meat & goof balls!

The down side is that celebs are more likely to buy the farm using ill gotten legal meds then the safer illegal drugs. Still you can't blame them for playing the angles after Lohan got made a public spectacle example of. Many professional celebrities would like to preserve their careers and stay out of jail. However it does make you think that the real problem some substance abusing celebrities have is the good intentions of those trying to help them, rather than the substances they resort to for some relief from the madness. Amatuer therapy is becoming an even greater plague to American society than amateur sleuthing. Note to any potential bulls in the china shop out there - leave it to the pros, no matter how greater you need to meddle or interfere, 'cause even of the pros don't know any better than you, at least they have better malpractice insurance!
