Friday, September 17, 2010

Brand Gets Busted

Brit funny man Russell Brand has got himself into a spot of bother. Russ was passing through LAX with his lovrely fiancee Katy Perry when a cameraman decided to take some pix. Russell objected to the guy photographing Ms Perry, and push came to shove. That's when the camera man decided to make a citizens arrest. Brand was nabbed by airport security and whisked off to a holding area, to await the arrival of LA finest.

When the boys in blue arrived they placed Brand under formal arrest, and then took him off for booking, and a mugshot. As of posting time Brand is being held on 20 000 bail, and may ultimately face 6 months in prison. Needless to say the prison time could put a serious crimp in his plans to film a remake of Arthur!

Brand isn't the only celeb to get into trouble recently. Lindsay Lohan has flunked yet another court mandated drug test. Naturally this is a parole violation, so Lohan could be looking at more slammer time herself. In fact the presideing judge threatened Lohan with 30 days in jail for each parole violation. The usual un named sources have confirmed that Lohan blew the test, but have refused to name the substance detected.
