Thursday, September 9, 2010

Koran Burning preacher still hot under the collar

Bad news for common sense. The Koran burning preacher still still set on setting alight a whole slew of Korans. Now this kind of thing is provocative, and in fact inflammatory! In fact it's gotten so bad that Hilary Clinton herself has had to officially distance America from the preacher's crack pot scheme. That probably didn't need to be said, but this is a sensitive subject. It's a sensitive subject Mr Jones is determined to get into, like a thumb in an eye. Though we might have hoped the pastor would have an attack of common sense sometime before the bonfire, he shows no signs of it so far.

Today's wondertrash blog plug is Wonder Woman Wannabe, and it promises to find the heroic amongst the mundane. If you want to search for the heroically mundane there then click on the nifty linked picture of their header below:

Wonder Woman Wannabe

To be clear, Wondertrash is more about exposing the mundane posing as the heroic.
