Sunday, March 6, 2011

Charlie Sheen and the Space Case

riding the tsunami on a Mercury surf board!

"What in the hell is wrong with Charlie Sheen?" is the question on everyone's lips these days. People have been asking that for awhile since Charlie lives a very high intensity life style littered with colourful incidents. Let's put it this way, the lad makes Frank Sinatra, Errol Flynn, Mick Jagger, and Keith Richards look like armless droopy eyed children (and when he's hot he talks like Hunter S Thompson wrote!).

boom winning d'uh

Concern has increased lately with Sheen's bizarre and off the wall antics - like continuous (actually contiguous) press interviews and impromptu appearances on celebrity gossip sites. With his career and future now up in the air, like an F18 trying to decide whether to deploy it's ordinance on a strafing run or just switch onto auto pilot for a quick nap; popular opinion is divided between Charlie's crazy like a fox and this is some brilliant contract negotiating strategy, and Charlie's done too many drugs and his brains have boiled.

I've got fire breathing fists & poetry in my finger tips

That accounts for popular opinion. You can't process Charlie with a normal brain. That's because if you had Charlie's brain you couldn't handle it for 5 seconds. You'd be like "Bro unplug this bastard before my head explodes and my nerves knot up into a gnarly twitching ball of pulsing tiger blooded intensity". You just can't plug 10 000 volts of Charlie Sheen current into a 80 watt bulb, cause if you do you face will melt and your children will weep over your exploded body (see what I mean about Hunter Thompson?).

crazy on board - Mercury surf board with a tinfoil sidecar

Fortunately for us there's one guy out there who doesn't have a normal brain. So maybe he can help is make sense of this whole thing. Now it's not Alex Jones. For one thing Alex is a lot less fringe than you think. In fact he maybe be an Illuminati disinformation agent, invested with credibility so that he can become the Oprah Winfrey of the lunatic fringe (Oprah is the Oprah of the slightly less lunatic fringe) and then spread "chicken feed" to the gullible. Hard core conspiracy will know what I mean!

a Tiger Blood transfusion - but can you handle it?

This guy whom I'm speaking off is a bona fide wild man. In fact he's got some tiger blood of his own (can't vouch for the Adonis DNA 'cause beauty is in the eye of the beholder). He's 640 AM in Toronto's Gary Bell, called The Space Man. This guy is so way over the edge that he's been kicked off the air 3 or 4 times. He's been rehired each time. So that's gotta be bi winning times 2! He's also got some interesting theories into Charlie Sheen's recent behavior. So here now and without further adieu is Gary with the latest broadcast of A View From Space!

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Now that might sound like a lot of tin foil and hot air but there might be more going on in the world that you realize. For instance Oprah Winfrey Network, or OWN, backwards is NWO! Let the Gnarly Gnarlinton's slam that 7 gram rock in their pipe and smoke it!

Wonder Woman: Tiger blood & Venus DNA!
