Friday, March 12, 2010

Freaky Friday - Tabloid Roundup

Some very nice fluff pieces but for the real dirt you've got go to the Internet!

Now for an interesting take on the old celebrity lookalike routine, here are celebrities that look like other celebrities!

Reptilian World Order keeps it in the family

There is a rational explanation as to why so many celebrities resemble each other - except for the naked mole rat guy. If you've been listening to Gary The Spaceman Bell on 640 AM Toronto's The View From Space on Saturday evenings then you'd realize that celebrities belong to the same reptilian bloodline that rules the world from the sidelines. The bloodline likes to keep all the money and power within 'the family' - so that explains why there are show business dynasties. Only reptilian blue bloods get a piece of the action. I would've thought it was just old fashioned nepotism, so I've probably got to put my tin foil hat back on until the radio waves have grounded out. BTW if you think this is some kind of conspiracy theory (when did CT's get a bad name??), then just remember that V is being remade!

Paper tigers

"The First Amendment served it's purpose in helping Liberals undermine America, but now it's just getting in the way! So let's not get hung up on the Constitution - it's just a piece of paper, people!" Did you know that the US Constitution was written over 200 years ago? Hardly relevant to today's post modern world. We face issues that Thomas Jefferson could never have envisioned, like Internet porn.

If you think that was far fetched then wait until you hear about one of the TV pilots that's in danger of becoming a full blown series this fall. It's about a police dept with a radical new interrogation technique and it's called "Good Cop, Better Cop". Scenarios go something like this:

I'll take my civil rights with a pizza and a 6 pack to go!

Good Cop: Have you been informed of your Miranda right to council?

Better Cop: Informed him? I've already called for his attorney, & an extra large pizza!

Good Cop: I can beat that - let's let him go!

Prep/suspect: Not until my pizza gets here!

The thinking is that by creating a criminal comfort zone, accused types will stop running away from the police and into the prisons where creature comforts like cable TV, conjugal visits, and access to higher education await them. They've got a real snappy opening theme too. I think that it's something by Mike Carpenter! Besides Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton has one of his patented witty rejoinders for such conspiracy BS:
