To celebrate the Easter season and help kick-off National Autism Awareness Month, Lindt is hosting an online auction benefiting Autism Speaks. Beginning April 1, Lindt Chocolate will auction off porcelain versions of the iconic Lindt Gold Bunny at Each bunny has been autographed by a celebrity and 100 percent of the auction proceeds will be donated to Autism Speaks.
This is the second year Lindt has partnered with Autism Speaks to help families impacted by autism and to support autism awareness efforts. In addition to the auction, Lindt is supporting the non-profit through donations from sales of Lindt Gold Bunny and through e-card donations.
Among the mammoth list of celebrities are GG mother and daughter, Blake Lively and Kelly Rutherford. Below are a picture of there bunnies, so stay tuned, and we’ll see how much they go for!