The book is called "In Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of our Tumultuous Years" and covers Bailey's career as a Palin insider. Bailey claims that there was a lot of border line activity going on in the Palin camp. He should know because he's personally accused of being responsible for a good deal of it. Like Troopergate. If you'll recall that was the case where Sarah was accused of using the power of the Governor's Office to get a state trooper fired in a petty personal dispute. The state trooper had dated some Palin family relative and there was a bust up. So Todd, on behalf of his better half, makes the rounds letting it be known that his missus would be really appreciative if something got done about a certain some one. That should be enough for any junior representative to take the hint,even if they've never seen Mr Smith Goes to Washington!
Then there was Palin's choice for supreme court. Bailey was uncomfortable witht hat because he thought that it was a personal favour. The appointee - Judge Morgen Christen - was the one who handled some of the court work involving Palin's sister and the state trooper - Mike Wooten - that had been preoccupying the Gov. Christen had been sympathetic, and Bailey figured that the appointment was a way of rewarding him. Palin has always maintained that it was because the judge was ont eh right side of the abortion issue.
It wasn't just major things like getting people fired and appointing flunky's to high government posts that got his goat. It was also the small everyday examples of casual rule bending that got under his skin. Like some campaign ads Palin did. Now when you're running for governor in the states there are some specific rules about where you can and can't get money from. For one thing states can't team up and shift funds around. Yet that's what bailey claims Palin did, essentially, when she did a spot for the Republican Govs Assoc.
All this lead up to what Bailey calls in his book a growing disillusionment. In the beginning he claims that he was won over by Palin's warmth, charisma, and apparent sincerity. She did blow the whistle on corruption in her own party - when she took on Party Chairman Randy Ruedich. Her promise to take on Alaska's Republican Poltical Machine had the blessing of the people - according to Bailey.
Then things started to go too far. Palin's administration became bogged down with pettiness, vendetta's and minor corruption. Sarah's principles and courage were replaced by an obsessions with perceived minor slights. Ruining opponents using letters tot he editor, ghost written blogs, etc, became more of a full time job. That left Bailey with a bad taste in his mouth. It's also left him with a book to sell. Since the book concerns America's No 1 Celebrity Politician - you can bet that this will leave him with money in his pocket, too.
BTW Whether or not Sarah Palin is gonna run for President in 2012, she certainly intended to maintain her grip as the leader of the Tea Party Movement. In fact she will brook no rivals, and especially if they're also attractive women, like herself. With that in mind Sarah has concocted a plan, fiendish in it's intricacy, and one that will fix her hated rival Ann Coutler, and fix her good!
You should never have accepted that invitation to Alaska Ann. You must've realized that you were being lured into a trap! Kate Gosselin only barely escaped her brush with Momma Bear, and she never did reality TV after!