Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Only in Canada - pity!

Not everyone is a fan of the Canadian immigration system. The many gaping loopholes have some people irked. There are a couple of people who are grateful for our system, and especially the gaping loopholes. Those people are our friends from south of the border Randy & Evi Quaid. Now if you'll recall Randy & Evi went rogue a little while back. They allegedly ripped off a bunch of B&B's then went on the lam across country. When they resurfaced it was outside a bank in an upscale Vancouver neighborhood, and in the midst of a whole bunch of squad cars.

Now those who thought that Randy & Evi were gonna have to go back to the USA to face the music had another thing coming. Seems that Randy had a trick up his sleeve. He applied for refugee status claiming that he was a persecuted celebrity. According to Quaid an organized group of starwhackers - business types in suits - had marked him for death so that they could take over the $40 million that he's earned over the course of his career.

That's a pretty outrageous statement but Randy could back it up - sort of. He pointed out that many of his colleagues had died mysteriously; like Heath Ledger and David Carradine. He also pointed out that his manager had accessed his royalty stream in perpetuity. So they didn't even need his signature anymore. What's more his lawyer had started a internet gossip site with Goolge - to make money and smear celebrities. That's a clear conflict of interest.

With so much confusion in Quaid's life it must be good to find a safe haven. According to the fugitive couple that's exactly what Canada is to them. In an interview covered in the Huffington Post Quaid said that "I feel good. If it wasn't for Canada's refugee laws my wife and I would be dead," . Quaid is currently facing a couple of hearing before the refugee board; one to determine his refugee claim and another to determine his admissibility into the country. The admissibility hearing is set for Dec. 22. The good news is that the couple seem in high spirits, and if the above video is any indication they're already boning up on their Canadiana. In fact they got general knowledge questions that most Canadians wouldn't have managed. So they should fit in fine once they get to begin their news lives in the Great White North. That is just as long as they don't get caught. Stay free, you crazy kids!
