Today's Top Stories
Obsessed with the Deficit — and Ignoring the Economic Mess
Why don't we first deal with the more pressing problems of growth and job creation?
Obama's Mideast Gambit: Will Three Months Make Any Difference?
An incentive package aims to lure Israelis and Palestinians into 90 days of talks, but if they can't reach agreement in that time, it's the U.S. that will face a moment of truth
Global Climate Summit Lite, with Schwarzenegger as Host
As he enters the last months of his California governorship, Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't backing down from his green convictions
Fixing the Deficit: Our Biggest Test
Is the U.S. political system able to embrace sensible recommendations on the deficit?
Republicans vs. Medicare Chief: Over Before It Starts?
After months of being attacked by conservatives for his role in reforming health care, CMS Head Donald Berwick finally had a chance to defend himself in front of Congress
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The "boom" you just heard coming from the Pentagon isn't a test of the newest nuclear cannon, but the starting pistol in the race to figure out where -- and how deeply -- to cut the U.S. military budget. It's a strange fight to be having as the U.S. military wraps up one war and [...]
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The 50 Best Inventions of 2010
Flying cars! Jet packs! Lasers that zap malaria-carrying mosquitoes! Here are the year's biggest (and coolest) breakthroughs in science, technology and the arts
Quotes of the Day
Republican and Long Island Congressman, questioning the Administration's ability to handle al-Qaeda terrorists after the first Guantánamo detainee, Ahmed Ghailani, is charged on only one account of the 280 charges laid out by the prosecution
Postcard from...
Sudan's Looming Civil War: Obama's Peace Overture
As the referendum on the separation of Sudan threatens to spark violence, the U.S. hopes that an offer of a more amicable relationship will help keep the peace. But with so much at stake, is it enough?
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