Speaking of celebrities who glom onto causes, Johnny Depp is one of many celebrities supporting the West Memphis 3.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Jude Law Backs Teen Effort to Fund Film
Celebrities usually get a hard time here at Wondertrash. Occasionally though a celebrity does something genuinely praiseworthy. Jude Law has taken time to support two young independent film makers. He's using his influence to help them get their project funded. It makes a refreshing change from celebrities who glom onto an already established cause in order to boost their own image. Who knows - perhaps Jude is backing this because he really believes that it's worth while.
Speaking of celebrities who glom onto causes, Johnny Depp is one of many celebrities supporting the West Memphis 3.

Speaking of celebrities who glom onto causes, Johnny Depp is one of many celebrities supporting the West Memphis 3.