Friday, December 22, 2006


whew, just got able to log in. got a very busy week, what with all the late Christmas rush. i attended a reunion yesterday with my friends and batch mates. it was long overdue but the essence there is we were able to hang out with each other again. even for just a while.

i had a drink to many again last night but it was worth it. had been home at the wee hours of the morning. hehehe. plus another hangover. huhuhuh

do you guys feel that whenever there's a reunion of sort, people tend to talk about the past, the things that had happen. reminiscing all the things that had happen before? it felt great...really great.

recollection of things done before, helps you be reminded of the things that you really wanted to achieve, the people behind those dreams, who shape up what you are today. just like the famous saying that "tell me who your friends are and ill tell you who you are."

i felt glad seeing my friends again, it such a relief and it really helps to ease the pressure. it helps me be given a stress free Christmas.